Baltic republics, the - vertaling naar spaans
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Baltic republics, the - vertaling naar spaans

Nazi occupation of the Baltics; Nazi occupation of Baltic republics; Occupation of baltic republics by nazi germany; Occupation of Baltic republics by Nazi Germany; Occupation of the Baltic state by Nazi Germany; Occupation of Baltic republics by Nazi Germany (1941-1944); Occupation of the Baltic republics by Nazi Germany; Occupation of the Baltic states by Nazi Germany; 1941 Invasion of the Baltic states; 1941 invasion of the Baltic states
  • General Commissioner of Latvia [[Otto-Heinrich Drechsler]], Reich Commissar for the Ostland [[Hinrich Lohse]], Reich Minister for the Occupied Eastern Territories [[Alfred Rosenberg]] and SS Officer Eberhard Medem in 1942.
  • HKP slave labor camp]] in Subačiaus Street, Vilnius

Baltic States         
  • The [[Baltic Way]] was a mass anti-Soviet demonstration in 1989 where ca 25% of the total population of the Baltic countries participated
  • [[Baltic Defence College]] serves as a centre of strategic and operational research and provides [[professional military education]] to intermediate- and senior-level officers and government officials
  • [[Baltic Assembly]] session in [[Seimas Palace]], in [[Vilnius]], Lithuania
  • According to the 1939 [[Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact]] "''the Baltic States (Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania)''" were divided into German and Soviet "spheres of influence" (German copy)
  • Baltic]] (Latvia, Lithuania)}}
  • Neutral countries with military bases established by Soviet Union in October 1939}}
  • An improvised [[armoured train]] used in the Estonian War of Independence against [[Soviet Russia]], 1919
  • St. Olaf's church]] in [[Tallinn]], Estonia
  • St. Peter's Lutheran Church]], [[Riga]], Latvia
  • Downtown Tallinn]]
  • Church of St. Johns]], [[Vilnius]], Lithuania
  • Downtown Riga]]
  • Downtown Vilnius]]
Baltic state; Baltic Republics; Tourism in the Baltics; Baltics; Baltic Countries; Balticum; Baltic Soviet Republics; The Baltics; Baltic republics; Baltic country; Baltic sea country; Baltic Sea Country; Baltic Country; Baltic Sea country; Baltic State; The Baltic countries; The Baltic Countries; Baltic countrys; Baltic Countrys; The Baltic countrys; The Baltic Countrys; The Baltic Sea Countries; The Baltic Sea countries; Baltic Sea Countrys; The Baltic Sea Countrys; The Baltic Sea countrys; Baltic Sea countrys; Baltic sea countrys; The Baltic states; The Baltic States; The Balticum; The baltics; Baltikum; Baltic countries; Baltic States; Pribaltika; Baltic lands; Baltic nations; Balti riigid; Baltimaad; Baltijas valstis; Baltijos valstybės; Baltijos valstybes; NATO Occupied Soviet Union; Ethnic groups in the Baltic states
Los Estados Bálticos, países a lo largo de la costa sureste del mar Báltico (Estonia, Latvia y Lituania)
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  • A reclining nude on the Gateshead Millennium Bridge by Julian Opie. Similar designs were used in the ''B.OPEN'' event in Baltic.
  • Newcastle and Gateshead Quayside. The conversion of the Baltic Flour Mills was part of the wider regeneration of Gateshead in the 1990s.
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Baltic (disambiguation)
(adj.) = báltico
Ex: In recent years periodicals in English giving information on the Baltic economy, finance, and culture, have been issued for international distribution.
* Baltic countries, the = países bálticos, los
* Baltic republics, the = repúblicas bálticas, las
* Baltic Sea, the = Mar Báltico, el
* Baltic States, the = países bálticos, los; estados bálticos, los
* Baltics, the = países bálticos, los
  • Flag of the US state of [[California]], a sub-national entity.
  • Republic of China]] [[Yuan Shikai]] and the provisional President of the Republic [[Sun Yat-sen]]
  • ''Beginning of the Republic of [[Metz]]. Election of the first Head-Alderman'' in 1289, by Auguste Migette. [[Metz]] was then a [[free imperial city]] of the [[Holy Roman Emperor]].
  • A map of the Commonwealth republics
  • [[Honoré Daumier]]''The Republic'' (1848), a symbolic representation of the [[French Second Republic]]. Oil on canvas, 73 x 60 cm., The Louvre, Paris
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  • The Swiss cantons displayed on the cupola of the [[Federal Palace]]
  • Neptune]] offers the wealth of the sea to Venice'', 1748–1750. This painting is an allegory of the power of the [[Republic of Venice]].
  • Licchavi]]s followed republican government.
  • A map of the [[Roman Republic]] in 45 BC
  • The "[[Republics of Russia]]"
  • Speech of U.S. Senator against the Mexican–American War characterizing it as imperialist and presidential.
Republic democracy; Republic (government type); Republics; Republic (government); Role of Religion in Republics; Concepts of Democracy in Republics; "Republic" in Political Science; The republican form of government; Republican form of government; Constitutional republic; Constitutional Republic; Aristocratic republic
(n.) = república
Ex: Each republic develops a system appropriate to its particular information needs and existing informational infrastructure.
* Baltic republics, the = repúblicas bálticas, las
* banana republic = república bananera, país subdesarrollado, país tercermundista
* Chinese People's Republic = República Popular China
* Croatian Republic, the = República de Croacia, la
* Czech Republic, the = República Checa, la
* Dominican Republic = República Dominicana
* Federal Republic of Germany (FDR) = República Federal Alemana
* German Democratic Republic (GDR) = República Democrática Alemana
* Irish Republic, the = República Irlandesa, la
* People's Democratic Republic of Korea, the = República Popular Democrática de Corea, la
* People's Republic of China, The = República Popular China, La
* Republic of Ireland = República de Irlanda
* Republic of Korea, the = República de Corea, la
* Republic of South Africa = República de Sudáfrica, República de Suráfrica
* Slovak Republic, the = República Eslovaca, la
* socialist republic = república socialista
* Soviet Republic = república soviética


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German occupation of the Baltic states during World War II

After the German invasion of the Soviet Union, the Baltic states were under military occupation by Nazi Germany from 1941 to 1944. Initially, many Estonians, Latvians, and Lithuanians considered the Germans as liberators from the Soviet Union.